本巡展由「上海音樂學院」與「臺灣師範大學音樂數位典藏中心」共同合作策劃,此專案共花費約兩年時間,從專案的策劃 > 計劃案的送審 > 文獻的考察歸納與復原 > 相關資源的募集與申請 > 視覺內容的討論 > 場地的會勘 > 成果的展示等等,結合多位專業人士的協助而成。
Touring Exhibition of HUANG TZU’s Rare Manuscripts – Commemorating the 110th Anniversary of His Birth
This exhibition is planned by "Shanghai Conservatory of Music" and "Music Digital Collection Center of Taiwan Normal University". The project took about two years to complete, from project planning > project submission review > literature review and recovery > related resources Recruitment and application > discussion of visual content > site survey > presentation of results, etc., combined with the assistance of many professionals.
In addition to displaying Mr. HUANG TZU's precious manuscripts, the exhibition also includes Shanghai EMI's music documents and precious antique phonograph collections, making this tour a success attracting everyone's attention.
以黃自先生的不同形象出發,如:審稿時的黃自、創作時的黃自、休閒時的黃自、彈奏時的黃自,並以寬200 x 長500 cm的大掛軸呈現震撼感。
Visual Design
I designed different kinds of Mr. HUANG TZU, such as: HUANG TZU for review, HUANG TZU for creation, HUANG TZU for leisure, and HUANG TZU for playing, and presented them on a large hanging scroll of w200 x h500 cm.